Call for papers for a special issue of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (QAPL'13-14)


The Workshop programme is online.



Quantitative aspects of computation are important and sometimes essential in characterising the behavior and determining the properties of systems. They are related to the use of physical quantities (storage space, time, bandwidth, etc.) as well as mathematical quantities (e.g. probability and measures for reliability, security and trust). Such quantities play a central role in defining both the model of systems (architecture, language design, semantics) and the methodologies and tools for the analysis and verification of system properties. The aim of this workshop is to discuss the explicit use of quantitative information such as time and probabilities either directly in the model or as a tool for the analysis of systems. In particular, the workshop focuses on:


Topics include (but are not limited to) probabilistic, timing and general quantitative aspects in:

   Language design Information systems Asynchronous HW analysis
   Language extension Multi-tasking systems Automated reasoning
   Language expressiveness Logic Verification
   Quantum languages Semantics Testing
   Time-critical systems Performance analysis Safety
   Embedded systems Program analysis Risk and hazard analysis
   Coordination models Protocol analysis Scheduling theory
   Distributed systems Model-checking Security
   Biological systems Concurrent systems Resource analysis


The first edition of the workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages, QAPL 2001, was held in Florence, Italy as a satellite event to the ACM conference on Principles, Logics, and Implementations of High-level Programming Languages, PLI 2001. Since its second edition, QAPL 2004 in Barcelona, Spain, the QAPL workshops have become a yearly satellite event with ETAPS.

The proceedings of all QAPL workshops between 2001 and 2009 appeared in the Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS). Since 2010, the proceedings appeared in the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS).

Based on the QAPL 2004 and QAPL 2006 events, two special issues of the journal Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) were published as volume 346(1) and volume 382(1), respectively. A special issue of TCS for the 2010 workshop has appeared as Volume 413, Issue 1. A special issue concerning the QAPL editions of 2011 and 2012 is in preparation and a further special issues related to the QAPL editions of 2013 and 2014  will be considered.

Previous Editions


In order to encourage participation and discussion, this workshop solicits two types of submissions - regular papers and presentations:

  1. Regular paper submissions must be original work, and must not have been previously published, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Regular paper submission must not exceed 15 pages, possibly followed by a clearly marked appendix which will be removed for the proceedings and contains technical material for the reviewers.
  2. Presentation reports concern recent or ongoing work on relevant topics and ideas, for timely discussion and feedback at the workshop. There is no restriction as for previous/future publication of the contents of a presentation. Typically, a presentation is based on a paper which recently appeared (or which is going to appear) in the proceedings of another recognized conference, or which has not yet been submitted. The (extended) abstract of presentation submissions should not exceed 4 pages.

All submissions must be in PDF format and use the EPTCS style files. Submissions can be made through the EasyChair website.

Accepted regular papers will be published in the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS). Please use the EPTCS latex style for both your preliminary submission and the camera ready paper. Publication of a selection of the papers in a special issue of a journal is under consideration.

Important dates

For regular papers:

For presentation reports:

Invited Speakers

Program co-chairs

Program committee